Bear likes lots of jars of nutella

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Where's Bear?

Here I am at the airport, ready to go off on a summer adventure.
But like all good naughty bears, I like to get up to mischief.
Here I am playing hide and seek.

Can you find me in this picture?



Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Bear poem

Absent friends does our Bear seek -
So he is watching Big Bear Week

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

unbearably hot

hello chums,
i have to say its unbearably hot at the moment.
If you're feeling the heat, feel sorry for your furry friend who is covered head to toe in fuzzy wuzzy felt.

to make matters worse my nutella is melting :(

i'm like a bear with a sore head

love bear xxx

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Are you my mummy?

Are you my mummy?
was that scarier than a Dalek?
thank goodness I like bear hugs to cheer me up :)

love bear xxx

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Oh no! It's the Daleks

ooooh no! Here I am being brave as a Dalek tries to attack me.
They are very scary things, but I stayed still and waited for it to go away before scampering for safety.

I was glad to get back home and snaffle some nutella to cheer me up.

do daleks scare you?

love bear xxx

don't forget to tell your friends to come and see my adventures:

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Bearhind the sofa

Will the nasty Slitheen spot me do you think? Or am I safer behind the sofa?


Thursday, July 06, 2006

Paddling bears

Hasn't it been hot this week? My furry paws have been busy mopping my brow - it's roasting under all this fur!

To help stay cool, I went for a paddle in the sea. You can't beat jumping the waves and counting starfish. Great fun.

Small Seal came with us, but she got very excited and dived into the waves. It was the last we saw of her for a while. I couldn't swim after her, as my fur gets waterlogged quite quickly.

What do you like doing to keep cool?

love bear xxx

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Oh I do like to bear beside the seaside

Hello again friends. Isn't it hot stuff at the moment?
I'm not very good with all this heat - makes me want to shave my fur off.
The next best thing is to visit the seaside, and that's exactly what I did.
Here I am going over the bear necessities of life on Brighton seafront; wondering why Rooney got sent off, what will happen in next week's Doctor Who and how far Andy Murray will go in Wimbledon. Phew. I can bearly believe I think so much.

What have you done this weekend?

love bear xxx