Bear likes lots of jars of nutella

Monday, November 27, 2006

Where's bear?

Where is bear?
This may take a while
He is hiding
in the pile!

Small seal and I couldn't resist having a look at what our nutella gatherers have gathered before moving to their new cave. It didn't take long for us to get lost. Can you find us in this picture? Write in and let me know when you've found us


Saturday, November 25, 2006

Water treat

One final post from the Malverns - i couldn't leave without sampling the water. this was despite the warnings that it wasn't necessarily fit for humans to drink. no mention of nutella-loving bears.

i hope you enjoyed my little adventures up the hill. it seems so long ago now, but i've been very busy indeed over the past week or so - my nutella gatherers are taking me to their new bear cave later this week. this means that i'll not be posting on my blog for a couple of weeks. but you can still look back on my old adventures if you get withdrawl symptoms.

small seal and i will let you know about some of our moving adventures later this week, so keep coming back and keep telling your friends to come and see us!


Monday, November 20, 2006

Room with a view

hello friends,
this is a not the bestest of bear pictures ever, but we thought you'd like to see the view we had from our hotel window. you can't see it here, but right next to the hotel is the malvern priory. it's all big - a bit too big for a small bear.


Friday, November 17, 2006

Children in Need

My dear friend Tom Kitten has sent me this rather fetching picture of him posing with a pudsey bear to remind you to give to children in need.
you can by clicking here

enjoy your evening

Sniff, sniff

While out walking around the malvern town, I stopped to sniff this spectacular bunch of blooms. Not bad for an autumnal bouquet.

i'm nearly at the end of my malvern adventures and then i've got some exciting news to tell you all!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Big sit down

hello again friends.
after a big climb, it was back to the hotel to catch up with small seal and tell her about my adventures and nibble some more crisps. she couldn't wait to get her flippers on them!


Thursday, November 09, 2006

Where's Bear?

Where's bear, where can he be?
Is he hiding by the tree?
Tell me friends if you can see
A bear as naughty as he.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

bearback rider

all this scampering about the malvern hills gave me tired paws. so i decided to hitch a lift. thankfully my nutella gatherers allowed me to ride bearback for a while. i had a bear nap and dreamt of more naughty adventures - like hiding...


Sunday, November 05, 2006

bears and their caves

hello friends,
on my way up to the very toppermost toppy top of the malverns, i found a cavelet. it was not big enough to be a proper cave, but it was big enough for a naughty bear to hide in. her you can see me settling in for a quick snooze. thankfully, i don't hibearnate as much as other bears. just a long snooze during the day topped up with a long snooze during the night. preferably in a bear hug!


Thursday, November 02, 2006

Bear snacks

After an exciting slide down the hill, i could feel my furry stomach rumbling. and like any good bear, i know that's when i need to get my paws on some grub. i know the call of the wild!
sadly, my nutella gatherers had forgotten to get some nutella, but they let me scoff these bear-sized pringles. hmmmn... not as nice and chocolatey as my favourite spread.
