Bear likes lots of jars of nutella

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A very large garden gnome

Small seal and i were in woolies the other day and came across a whole row of garden gnomes, including ones that really weren't gnomes at all. i'm sure this very large giant of a garden gnome would have something to say about that. he was massive! and this picture will give you some idea of how massive massive is.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

oooh! ice cream!

lots of flavours! lots of choice!
sadly no nutella ice cream here (but we did have some somewhere else, but small seal couldn't get the camera to work).
yum, yum!
the problem with being a being who tends to stay in england is that they just don't do ice cream like this here. and if they do, it costs more than my monthly nutella allowance just for a teaspoonsworth. i think there should probably be a campaign about this, don't you?
the campaign for cheaper ice cream (that should also be nutella-flavoured).


Thursday, July 26, 2007

bear with bearloons

after all my efforts at the top of the town hall, you'd expect me not to want to do anything that might make me go up, up and away. Well, i'm a bear who likes to live dangerously, so when some kind person on the streets offered me a bearloon, how could i say no?
so, here's me, with my bearloon, looking very happy!


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

at the top of the world

one thing bears like is climbing, so the opportunity to climb to the very top of hannover's town hall was not to be missed!
it was a long climb, so i was very glad to rest my paws in this strange diagonal-type lift thing they have there. it kinda goes up, but around at the same time. weird.
when i got to the very top, it was so windy, i was worried that my fur would get blown away. so, to be on the safe side, i held on tightly to the bars. phew!
still, it was worth it - as you can see from the view below

Sunday, July 22, 2007

From the jaws of delion

hello again friends. this could almost be a where's bear? picture, but given that it's an obvious hiding place, i'll save that game for another day.
here i am proving that samson was not the only person to take on a lion and come out alive.
this is a scary beast pictured outside hannover's town hall. to prove to you that i'm a very brave bear indeed, i decided to climb into the lion's mouth and show off.
so here i am, showing off, from the mouth of a lion. tee hee hee!


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

dizzy spells round the carousel

we were waiting for ages for baggage to come through and i wanted to take a breather. so small seal suggested that i should go for a quick spin on the baggage carousel, so i did.
i think it cheered a lot of bored passengers up, but it didn't half make my head go a little fuzzy wuzzy


Monday, July 16, 2007

Sitting comfortably....

Small seal and I were sitting very quietly as the plane took off. would you bearlieve that i get scared as we taxi down the runway?
once we could remove the seatbeats, small seal went wondering off to find some fish and things, while i stayed in my seat waiting for the sandwiches and gin and tonics.

imagine my surprise when an air stewardess decided to make me a junior pilot! she gave me this rather splendid id card to wear, complete with a friendly bear in.
i was so excited i decided to wear it for my entire big bear adventure!


Sunday, July 15, 2007

At the bearport

For this bear adventure, we had to sprout wings. but with flippers and paws that's difficult, so we decided to fly instead. we'll be offsetting our carbon wotsits by staying in eating nutella biscuit sandwiches and pilchards on toast for the next few bearmonths or so.

we had ages to go before we could board our flight, so we spent some time watching the planes come in and the planes go out. i was dreaming of nutella in faraway places and wondering if they'd serve it on board.

we also checked in at the check-in desk. as you can see, we're flying air bearlin, which probably makes our destination a bit of a giveaway...


Friday, July 13, 2007

A new Bear adventure beargins

Hello friends
If you've been wondering why small seal and i have been quiet lately, well all can now be revealed!
we've been away on a big bear adventure.
here we are with our bags stuffed to the gills with nutella, biscuits and pilchards - oh and our camera and passports with paw prints and flipper prints.

if you want to find out where we've been and what we've been doing, stay tuned!


PS - i'm now on facebook if you want to be my friend!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

ready for a new adventure!

hello friends,
just to let you know that small seal and i have been busy packing so we can go off on another adventure! it's all very exciting. this isn't us with all our gear for this adventure, but you can get the picture!
look out for all the furry news when we get back...

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

What's so amazing about bears?

as you know by now, i'm a civilised bear - i always eat nutella with my left paw, don't like getting up before 9am and ensure that i read a lot.
so with my culture and knowledge, i thought it was about time small sheep and small dog and small seal managed to do a bit of reading. but i had to teach them.
thankfully, as they didn't know what they were reading, i was able to convince small dog and small seal that they were reading 'what's so amazing about bear?'.

well, everything frankly.


Sunday, July 01, 2007

Happiness is a jar-shaped present

Hello friends, there's obviously something about buying bears presents, as here i am with another mystery gift. only this time it feels like my favouritist thing in the whole wide world ever...
so, here goes, let's get this gift open

oooh! i say! that's marvellous! it's a jar of nutella - good brain food!

yum, yum, yum!
