Bear likes lots of jars of nutella

Friday, August 31, 2007

And finally from Greenbelt....

bears get everywhere! it's been fab becoming friends with so many on facebook (we will take over the world with peace and bearhugs!). but as far as i'm concerned, my earliest beary mates are the wonderful guys from bearsunlimited
they've been blogging after they saw me around at greenbelt last year and have had a really exciting year. if you don't bearlieve me, check out their blog!

we'd been hoping to see each other in the fur at greenbelt this year, and low and behold, it came to pass as we were idly wandering around the racecourse. terribly, terribly exciting.
those wonderful guys have already posted their pics of this historic moment on their blog, but as this was one of my top greenbelt moments, i wanted to keep this bearhug for the last GB07 posting. so i have.

and here i am with George, Yorkie, Chelmer, Rocco and Bris!
it was great to meet you guys at last. keep up the travelling and informing us of where you've been.

hope to see them again soon

Bear admires the Withy Wellie

one of my favouritist things about greenbelt is that you can admire the many weird and wonderful things around the site. it's fab! this is my favourite from this year - a giant wellie.
thankfully these weren't needed as the ground dried up after all that rain earlier in the summer.
kudos to whoever made this piece of work


Greenbelt: some more bear hugs

hello again friends,
as this is the last day of august (where has summer gone? where has summer been? it's not been here, that's for sure) i'm going to try and get my last few greenbelt piccies up and on-line.
did you give me a bear hug? thank you if you did! i loved every second of them.
remember you can always see what i'm up to on facebook.


Thursday, August 30, 2007

Greenbelt: still some more to come

Hello again friends,
it seems like ages okay that I was at greenbelt, getting to see so many of you!
i'm safely back now and have been able to welcome some new friends on facebook :)
i've still got some greenbelt piccies to post, so keep your beadies peeled.

Monday, August 27, 2007

greenbelt breakfast

ironically, after a greasy dinner, bears loved getting stuck into a greasy bacon butty.
just for once, i enjoyed the attention and let someone feed me. never normally happens :)


Greenbelt: Good food guide part 3

last night, for my final evening meal at greenbelt (sadly, I'm going home later today) i got stuck in to a large burito. it was very disapointing: greasy, cold and very bland. if it had had some bite, been warm and tasted fresher, i'd've been a happier bear.
as it was so greasy, my paws were covered in fat and mayo - yuk! so i washed them afterwards and then went off to enjoy the beer tent!


greenbelt: bear hugs

these chaps in the beer tent (included one dressed as a lifesized beer bottle) tried to get me to sample some more lager!
nothing beats a gentle squeeze! - H - U - G -
yep, i'm the man!

and a lovely hug from a fair trade stall holder!


greenbelt: sleepy bear

it's been really cold at night - the ground is still wet from all the rain last month.
so i've been snuggled up inside a sleeping bag which could really be warming. i've been shivering in my fur and my leg paws have been turning to ice blocks.
thankfully, a nice warm mug of hot chocolate in the morning soon got my circulation going.


Greenbelt: bearhugs from skippy and loupie

These two very lovely stewards stopped me to check i was alright.
and they wanted to give me a hug too!

such lovely people steward at greenbelt
if you want to see what skippy and loupie get up to0, you can read their blogs by clicking on their names!

love bear xxx

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Greenbelt: Bear meets GP Taylor

it was a special moment for me this afternoon as i came paw to paw with the great writer gp taylor. he enjoyed giving me a bear hug and a bookmark for his new book, mariah mundi.
in return, i enjoyed showing him my wonderful blog, which he enjoyed very much indeed!

love bear

greenbelt: bear takes communion

sunny sunday morning at greenbelt
a moving mixture of liturgy and song
and plenty of wine and bread!

greenbelt: phoning home

as you know small seal has stayed at home for this big bear adventure. she's been busy splashing her flippers about in a lovely cool paddling pool and generally enjoying the sunshine. surprise, surprise, last night she had pilchards on toast for tea and slipped a kipper for breakfast.
how do i know all this? well, I was on the phone to her earlier today. i was so excited to speak to her that i nearly dropped the phone, hence this nutella gatherer helping me out.


Greenbelt: a norman kember bear hug

Regular readers will know that even famous people like meeting me!
here i am receiving a bear hug from Norman Kember, who was very busy in the peacezone at Greenbelt, showing off an umbrella that can only be opened by three people!
he was doing it to help promote a new blog that the network of christian peacegroups has set up:

Greenbelt: even more bear hugs

popular chap, aren't i?!
more to come!


make friends with me on facebook

ooh, everyone seems to be on facebook now,
and i'm no exception.
but due to a typing error, i'm known as naught bear. tsk!
still, always happy to make friends :)


greenbelt good food guide 2

last night, i tried a red thai chicken curry. well, that's what it said on the board. as you can see it's neither red, nor very chickeney :(
plenty of carrots, marrow, courgettes and other things that bears barely like.
but the bitter pill of a miserable meal was sweetened by a wonderful new friend of bear who came up to me afterwards and gave me a chocolate. it wasn't her last rolo (they are made by nestle, and bears don't buy anything from nestle, not ever, oh no), but it really was very tasty.


bear takes in some cultures

some of you might have wondered if i've actually been to anything at greenbelt - after all, i keep bumping into people who want to give me bear hugs! not that i'm complaining!
i made sure to stop by my favouritist musical ever ... return to the forbidden planet which was performed by some talented people who had only got together a week before!
hugely exciting and out of this world fun!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

final bear hugs for saturday

this are my last bear hugs from today - it's been great to see so many greenbelters happy to have a hug! and it's even more exciting when they squeal with joy when they see me. does wonders for my ego.

i'll bear back tomorrow with more - plenty more!

love bear xxx

greenbelt: hot stuff!

It's been really hot today ! really hot!
so i've made sure that i've spent some time gulping some really cool beer - freedom beer. the glass was almost as tall as me and it was delicious. i'll be back for some more soon


greenbelt: the not very nice bear hug

sometimes people like to be nice to bear. sometimes they don't. thankfully, this was one of those times when he was playing with me. but as you can see from the look on my face, i was very worried for a moment.

bear art

how could i resist taking part in a little street art?
here i am trying to get to grips with the difficulties of a spray can. i had to be very carefull not to get the paint all over my fur.
thankfully, i didn't do much to the wall. lacking opposable thumbs makes it very hard to draw properly


More greenbelt bear hugs

these guys were great! i was quitely sitting in a bush, admiring the view, enjoying the sunshine, relaxing with the cool musical vibes, contemplating an ice cream with nutella topping when my chain of thought was broken by the sudden and unexpected shrieks of delight as these charming people recognised me from my picture.
And they all rushed, in their excitement, to give me a bear hug. Such was their joy that they had to all join in at once! tee hee hee!

and then to cap it all off, they even let me try on their glittery hats for size. as you can see, it's not quite me, but it did look rather splendid and i was, for just one photo, one of their gang. very exciting!


Greenbelt bear hugs

as you know, i love bear hugs. They're very huggable and lovely and snuffly and stuff.
i just can't get enough of them!
so i was delighted when this lovely greenbelter hugged me twice! *sigh* what a lovely hug.


Greenbelt bear hugs

people are responding to my greenbelt posters - the one posted a few days ago.
loads of lovely bear hugs from people of all ages, and none!
Remember, if you see me at Greenbelt, give me a hug!


The Greenbelt Good Food Guide 2007

my first greenbelt grub was this bowl of potatoes wedges with chilli sauce. no idea if fit was reggae reggae sauce, but i doubt it as it wasn't named twice. i splashed on a load of garlic mayo just in case it was too hot and their were vampires stalking the tents.

the wedges were lovely and crisp, and the chilli sauce a little sparse. still, it filled a bear-sized hole.

no sign of any nutella yet, but i'm working on it.
\my friends are bears unlimited told me to track down the fairtrade version, which i intend to do this year!


Greenbelt bear hugs

i've been a busy bear already, getting lots of attention from people!
here are just a couple of my bear hugs - more soon!


Friday, August 24, 2007

Greenbelt - the bear cave goes up

regular readers of this wonderful bear blog will remember my efforts last year at getting my tent up. this year, as small seal is staying at home, i'm travelling slightly lighter and staying in a two-bear tent (although by the time all my kit has been put into it, it's a one-bear and his nutella tent). So, here i am with my kit,

here i am slotting the tent poles together. i was going to show you me putting the tent up, but it was hard work and i was out of puff!

but i wanted to make sure that the tent wouldn't get blown away, so managed to get all the tent pegs in. i used all the right pegs, not necessarily in the right order.

and finally... the fruits of my labour are there for you all to see! my temporary bear cave is up and running. hopefully i'll stay nice and warm tonight.
and hopefully I'll find it again in the dark!


Remember, if you see me on Greenbelt, stop and ask for a bear hug for the blog!

Greenbelt - The adventure beargins

Hello again friends,
Here I am, ready to get going to greenbelt 2007!
i'm very excited!

i had to wait for ages to be let into the campsite. but i didn't mind, it was wonderfully sunny!
so i just sat on top of the car and sunbathed.
hope it stays lovely and warm all weekend. it'll make a change!


ps - i'm updating my blog all weekend live from greenbelt! look out for more soon

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Where's bear?

here's a real toughie! can you find me hiding in this picture?
i am in there somewhere!


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Have you seen this bear?

Normal bear-siness will resume after Greenbelt!
yes, i'm heading to cheltenham on Friday for the annual knees up. I want a bear hug from chas and dave! And jimmy cricket!
i want to sunbathe while listening to quality musicians.
i want to enjoy shaun the sheep on the big screen.

and most of all,

i want your bear hugs!

if you're at greenbelt too, then look out for me cos i'll be looking out for you!
if you give me a hug i'll stick you on my blog. and i'll be logging on a lot during greenbelt, just like last year!

but please, no autograph requests. no opposable thumbs make holding a pen difficult.


Sunday, August 19, 2007

a little light music

with all this wet weather, it seems like an age ago that we had some sunshine!
we managed to continue exploring the park and found this open-air concert area where a jazz band gave a free concert. we had to stop and listen. they were very good and small seal and i got to top up our tans at the same time! a winner all round.
a man came round offering us a giant pretzel and beer, but we declined. i don't think the pretzel would have fitted in my lap, let alone my stomach.


Friday, August 17, 2007

Where's seal?

small seal enjoyed having an opportunity to hide, but she didn't hide as well as bear. can you see her in this picture? i think someone can!