Bear likes lots of jars of nutella

Saturday, August 25, 2007

More greenbelt bear hugs

these guys were great! i was quitely sitting in a bush, admiring the view, enjoying the sunshine, relaxing with the cool musical vibes, contemplating an ice cream with nutella topping when my chain of thought was broken by the sudden and unexpected shrieks of delight as these charming people recognised me from my picture.
And they all rushed, in their excitement, to give me a bear hug. Such was their joy that they had to all join in at once! tee hee hee!

and then to cap it all off, they even let me try on their glittery hats for size. as you can see, it's not quite me, but it did look rather splendid and i was, for just one photo, one of their gang. very exciting!


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