Bear likes lots of jars of nutella

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Scilly by sea

to get to our holiday location
we had to take a boat
it skimmed across sea
and kept us afloat
here you can see
the view that we met
was it beautiful
on tresco? - you bet


Thursday, August 07, 2008

Back by the bearch

The sun is out and bears are by the sea
topping up their tan and enjoying being me


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

coming in to land

we're coming down, we're told
and we see the sand so gold
we're almost ready for our trip
but to get there we need a ship*


* actually it's a boat, but it didn't rhyme

Thursday, July 17, 2008

the plane we're flying is small
but there is room for us all
so up in the air we head
ready to find out hotel bed

Monday, July 14, 2008

is that my plane?

watching the world go by,
i sit and wait for the call.
is that the plane that i will fly?
it does look rather small.


Monday, July 07, 2008

Scilly bear

It doesn't take long for a little bear to get wunderlust so yet again, we're off on another adventure. this time we're heading on a plane - you'll see it soon - and we're staying in the UK. i know there's airmiles and all that, but it really was the only way we could get there.


Sunday, June 29, 2008

back to the beach

sometimes i like to be busy
sometimes i like to be not
sometimes i like to have an adventure
sometimes i like to be not
sometimes i like lots of nutella
sometimes i like to be not
sometimes i like to sit and stare
and this is one of those sometimes


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

last orders

it's a sad moment as we come to the end of the shepherd neame brewery tour.
it was very interesting and i learnt lots of it, which i then promptly forgot. silly bear!
however, there was a good reason for my fuzzy wuzzy head - the nice people who ran the tour let us try some bear sized bear samples.
i think the early bird was my favourite, but it's only available for a few weeks each year :(

look out for a new adventure starting soon!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

bearhind the wheel again

those nice people at shepherd neame showed off all their old delivery vehicles (some of which still work!) including this lovely old motor
and best of all, they even let you get bearhind the wheel.
tis truly wonderful :)


Thursday, June 05, 2008

delivery drive

beer has to be delivered with care
so the driver has to be a bear
but how on earth can he see
to make good his delivery?

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Roll out the barrel

and this is how beer should still be served up - in proper barrels, none of this metal nonsense!

Sunday, June 01, 2008

wishful thinking ....

naughty bear would like a drink
is this successful, do you think?
straight from the barrel, out of the tap
all that beer goes down his lap ...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

the finished product

as you can tell, i really took in everything about how to make beer ... but i really enjoyed seeing the end result. there were hundreds and hundreds of barrels of great tasting beer all waiting to be sampled.


Saturday, May 17, 2008

malt, malt, malt!

the brewing process uses malt and lots of it! different types of malt give different results,
as we were able to try for our selves!

beers also use hops which are picked and dried and then turned into pellets! in the olden days they didn't use pellets, so the sacks of hop flowers were huge - probably 20 times bigger than me! now they're in pellets they are tiny!it all gets bunged into this clever rotator, complete with water and its brewed into yummy beer! shepherd neame use its own water from a stream that runs underneath the brewery. it's thought that clever monks did the same hundreds of years ago on the same site.
as you can tell i understand everything about the brewing process(!)


Thursday, May 15, 2008

how the beer beargins

this room used to be used to help create the malt for the beer. it's all done very diffferently now, thanks to clever technology and things.

it was a small room and we had to mind our heads, not a problem for small bears!
They'd do some clever things to the hops and barley to make 'em small

and then toasted 'em in this large, large kiln.
thankfully it wasn't on or it would have singed my fur!


Sunday, May 11, 2008

bear's busy brewery tour

there were lots and lots of people on the tour, which meant that bears had to stand on things to see what was going on.
this here is the main walkway between all the different places where mr shepherd and mr neame make their splendid beears. beers, sorry.
it's quite a victorian feat of engineering and jolly marellous too

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Nose to nose

The first stop on our tour of the Shepherd Neame brewery was through its offices to get to the brewery! On our way, we saw this delightful statue, which was given to Mr Shepherd Neame by the makers of Hürlimann Sternbräu, a lovely Swiss lager. Everyone on the tour was encouraged to pat its nose, so i did :)
thankfully, he didn't find it ticklish, not even flinching. in fact, he wooden go anywhere.


Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Bear's big beer adventure!

Hello friends,
I hope you enjoyed your big bank holiday weekend. lovely weather we had, for once!
sorry i wasn't able to blog live as i'd hoped ... technology didn't work out as planned :(
still, i'm back and can now start to tell you all about my thrilling trip to Faversham, where i learnt all about beer... mmmm!
and not only did I learn about it, i even enjoyed some bear-sized beer glasses-full of lovely shepherd neame beers.


Friday, May 02, 2008

bank holiday hopes :)

hello again friends
here we are trying to get a good drink from an old water pump.
we weren't successful - but we did admire the swans gliding gracefully by :)

we're about to head off on another mini-adventure. if the technology works out we might even be able to blog as we travel.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

300 posts and counting!

Hello friends,
I promised you something special for my 300th post and here it is ... a little trip down memory lane at some of the adventures so far.
There were the very cute birds in Israel - and these chicks too :)

the sheer indignity of being hung out to dry after a smelly adventure

teaching you how to make the bestest dish in the world - nutella biscuit sandwiches,
yum, yum, yum!

having some daredevil fun abseiling down a building (this even made the newspapers!)

a scary adventure with the Daleks (it's okay, I came back unexterminated!)

snacks on a mountain stroll, just to keep the energy levels up :)

brushing up on some Italian just in case the ticket inspector came along

and getting to meet some of the natives there too!

of course, i have plenty more adventures ahead of me, and this just looks back at a few scant adventures over the past few years.
look out for our next little adventure starting very soon!

and small seal

Thursday, April 03, 2008

299th post! Out in the snow

here we are out in the snow! it was jolly exciting - and a little cold, so i wore my hat just in case my ears caught a chill.
it's a real shame that it didn't last. we went to church to celebrate easter and when we came out, all the snow had gone :(
no snow bears this year.

however, i'm now very excited that the next post will be my 300th! this blog has been running for nearly two years and my goodness, i've had a lot of fun.

look out for a very special blog post soon


Wednesday, April 02, 2008

snowy mornings!

there's nothing more exciting
than waking up and pulling back the curtains
to discover that the world has gone white!
small seal and i were very pleased to see the white fluffy cold stuff
hurl out of the sky. so we watched
before ...


Sunday, March 30, 2008

It was snowing!

if there's one thing that excites a little bear a little more than nutella, it's seeing snow fall. big hopes of snow bears, igloos and snow angels!
so imagine my excitement when it started snowing on my little trek round St Ives. So exciting that I made small seal stop and take a picture of me.
but alas, you can't see the snow here. next time...

Friday, March 28, 2008

Where's bear?

hello friends,
we're back from our mini-adventure and will now report on it for you :)
first off, i thought you'd like to play my favourite game - where's bear?
it's quite an easy one this time as there weren't many places to hide, but i'm hiding somewhere.
a virtual bear hug for the winner


Friday, March 21, 2008

Happy Easter everyone!

what does a bear like at easter? chocolate, and lots of it!
small seal and i are about to head off for a small spring expedition, leaving small dog in charge of the bear cave. we've left some bones around the house for him to find, so he won't be bored, and some water for him to slurp on. and if he's hungry, well i'm sure any burglars will suffice!

we hope you all have a wonderful easter, it's the most amazing time of year and we love it more that Christmas for what it really means :)


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

curry king!

thought it was about time to try something different to nutella - haven't eaten much else for a while. so here i am nibbling away on a very nice curry. please note i have some table manners - no elbows on the table, no eating with my mouth open and certainly no eating with just paws. the spoon was just about big enough for my furryself to use :)
and very tasty it was too

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

goodbye ikea, i knew you well :)

after a very long bear adventure (i started the snaps back in December!) it's time for home!
just to prove to you that we were there, here i am sitting on top of the bearsmobile so i can at least be in shot!
(the car is specially adapted to be run on lead-free nutella and the pedals brought up a bit to let me drive it. seeing over the steering wheel is a bit tricky though. just don't tell the dvla!


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

IKEA-cream :)

Regular readers will remember that bears like chocolate. and ice cream.
so both in one handy sugar cone is always going to be a winner!
yes, this little bear managed to make it all the way through IKEA's showroom, past the checkouts and to the bistro at the end where this tasty little treat awaited him.
i decided to sit and contemplate its marvellousness before tucking in. and it was yummy!
