Bear likes lots of jars of nutella

Friday, March 21, 2008

Happy Easter everyone!

what does a bear like at easter? chocolate, and lots of it!
small seal and i are about to head off for a small spring expedition, leaving small dog in charge of the bear cave. we've left some bones around the house for him to find, so he won't be bored, and some water for him to slurp on. and if he's hungry, well i'm sure any burglars will suffice!

we hope you all have a wonderful easter, it's the most amazing time of year and we love it more that Christmas for what it really means :)



FHC said...

Happy Easter from Tadley Bear. How come you have your Easter egg already I'm srill hunting for mine!

Bears Unlimited Norfolk Branch said...

Hi Bear,

We certainly agree with you about Easter and its meaning! But we also like the eggs and Oakley’s extra special Hot Cross Buns that disappear as soon as he gets them out of the oven! We hope you and small seal enjoy your little adventure and look forward to reading all about it on the Blog.

Bear said...

hello again friends,
as i was going on a mini-adventure, small seal let me have my egg early, which was nice of her.

bearsunlimited - did you enjoy Oakley's hot cross buns?
