Bear likes lots of jars of nutella

Sunday, March 30, 2008

It was snowing!

if there's one thing that excites a little bear a little more than nutella, it's seeing snow fall. big hopes of snow bears, igloos and snow angels!
so imagine my excitement when it started snowing on my little trek round St Ives. So exciting that I made small seal stop and take a picture of me.
but alas, you can't see the snow here. next time...

Friday, March 28, 2008

Where's bear?

hello friends,
we're back from our mini-adventure and will now report on it for you :)
first off, i thought you'd like to play my favourite game - where's bear?
it's quite an easy one this time as there weren't many places to hide, but i'm hiding somewhere.
a virtual bear hug for the winner


Friday, March 21, 2008

Happy Easter everyone!

what does a bear like at easter? chocolate, and lots of it!
small seal and i are about to head off for a small spring expedition, leaving small dog in charge of the bear cave. we've left some bones around the house for him to find, so he won't be bored, and some water for him to slurp on. and if he's hungry, well i'm sure any burglars will suffice!

we hope you all have a wonderful easter, it's the most amazing time of year and we love it more that Christmas for what it really means :)


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

curry king!

thought it was about time to try something different to nutella - haven't eaten much else for a while. so here i am nibbling away on a very nice curry. please note i have some table manners - no elbows on the table, no eating with my mouth open and certainly no eating with just paws. the spoon was just about big enough for my furryself to use :)
and very tasty it was too

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

goodbye ikea, i knew you well :)

after a very long bear adventure (i started the snaps back in December!) it's time for home!
just to prove to you that we were there, here i am sitting on top of the bearsmobile so i can at least be in shot!
(the car is specially adapted to be run on lead-free nutella and the pedals brought up a bit to let me drive it. seeing over the steering wheel is a bit tricky though. just don't tell the dvla!


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

IKEA-cream :)

Regular readers will remember that bears like chocolate. and ice cream.
so both in one handy sugar cone is always going to be a winner!
yes, this little bear managed to make it all the way through IKEA's showroom, past the checkouts and to the bistro at the end where this tasty little treat awaited him.
i decided to sit and contemplate its marvellousness before tucking in. and it was yummy!


Monday, March 03, 2008

in the bear pit

one of the shocks at Ikea was seeing how cruelly they treat their bears. here i am trying to reassaure all these ickle ones that they're okay and they'll soon be taken to loving homes, just as i was one day. the poor ickle bears are all caged in like battery hens and rarely taken out to be given lovely bear hugs and spoonfuls of nutella. i took the opportunity to libearate three such bears and shared them with loving homes. i'm sure you could do the same when you next visit the store.
and i'm sure that mr ikea could provide better holding pens for these poor bears all cramped up with nowhere to stretch their paws.
