i wondered about turning this into a new bear cave, but realised i couldn't stash any nutella into it.
i've now got an email address so you can send me your pictures and things to go on the blog!
it's naughty dot bear at hotmail dot com - just click on this link here
i've now got an email address so you can send me your pictures and things to go on the blog!
it's naughty dot bear at hotmail dot com - just click on this link here
sorry i didn't meet you at greenbelt, but clealry there was a lot of ufn to be had by a bear as well as a lot of us humans. next year i'd pre order some nutella though!
hello mr steve,
thank you for dropping by and saying hello. do you have any beary friends too?
my nutella gatherers were so concerned for me having to go cold turkey during greenbelt that they smuggled in a small jar and some biscuits with which they made a nutella biscuit sandwich for me (for the recipe see my entry in the may archive).
please come again soon!
hello tea bythesea,
the shed was nice and thoughtful but not quite right to use as a temporary bear cave. still, it was fun wandering around greenbelt and it was close to the sticky music tent where they played interesting stuff.
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