time for another game of hide and seek. can you see me hiding in greenbelt?
it took ages for my nutella gatherers to pick me up! tee hee hee! i like being a naughty bear
love bear xxx
it took ages for my nutella gatherers to pick me up! tee hee hee! i like being a naughty bear
love bear xxx
Hi Bear - do you have a Nutella sandwich hidden away somewhere and an address label attached like Paddington in case your Mum and Dad really couldn't find you? My bear Fred has his name and address written on his chest but you look a bit more furry than him so perhaps that wouldn't work for you! Keep up your adventures - you are a welcome diversion from some dull hours at work.
hello anonymous,
thank you for dropping by to say hello! please give fred a virtual bear hug from me and a small flip with some flippers from small seal.
if i told you about hidden stashes of nutella sandwiches, my nutella gatherers might not keep me in generous supplies of the stuff. we can't have that.
and while i might be naughty and get up to lots of scrapes and adventures, i've not got an address label in case i get lost. hopefully i'm too famous to go missing for long.
do keep dropping by my little cave of delights - and tell all your friends. in fact tell your boss too. they won't mind when i've given them a virtual bear hug and you've made them a nutella biscuit sandwich.
ooh! well done mr simon - another virtual bear hug for you! {squeeeeeze!}
i'll look forward to hearing about your friend. perhaps we can link to each other's blogs?
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